ROMA tools
Some of these tools were mentioned in this guide are described in more detail in these resources.
ODI Methods and resources: Applied political economy analysis: a problem-driven framework - Harris, D. (2013)
ODI Toolkit: Tools for Policy Impact: A Handbook for Researchers - Start, D. and Hovland, I. (2004)
ODI Tool: RAPID Outcome Assessment
ODI Tool: The Alignment, Interest and Influence Matrix guidance note
ODI Tool: Outcome Mapping introductory note
DEGRP guidance note: Achieving Policy Impact - Shaxson, L. (2013)
ROMA in practice
RAPID has used the principles of ROMA in a variety of settings around the world.
Strengthening World Vision Policy Advocacy – A Guide to Developing Advocacy Strategies - Datta, A. (2011b)
Developing Capacities in Complex Environments – Experiences from Vietnam - Datta, A. (2013)
Some resources focusing on communications tools for engaging with and influencing policy.
Blog: Is it time to ban the term “dissemination”? - Cassidy, C. (2013)
Improving the Impact of Development Research through Better Research Communications and Uptake - Shaxson, L. (2010)
ODI Working paper: Communicating research: a beginner’s guide for researchers in Vietnam – Datta, A. and Pellini, A. (2011)
ODI Tool: How to write a communications strategy – Hovland, I. (2005)
Blog: Responding to the digital disruption of traditional communications: three planks to ODI’s digital strategy – Scott, N. (2011)
Podcast: Using social media: research communications and the development dialogue
Other approaches to understanding policy change
How Change Happens: Inter-disciplinary Perspectives for Human Development - Krznaric, R. (2007)
Escaping Capability Traps through Problem-driven Iterative Adaptation - Andrews, M., Pritchett, L. and Woolcock, M. (2012)
Making Research Evidence Matter: A Guide to Policy Advocacy in Transition Countries - Young, E. and Quinn, L. (2012)
ODI Working paper: Lessons from Deliberative Public Engagement Work: A Scoping Study - Datta, A. (2011)