Further resources

Further resources on developing an engagement strategy to influence policy

ROMA tools

Some of these tools were mentioned in this guide are described in more detail in these resources.


ODI Methods and resources: Applied political economy analysis: a problem-driven framework - Harris, D. (2013)

ODI Toolkit: Tools for Policy Impact: A Handbook for Researchers - Start, D. and Hovland, I. (2004)

ODI Tool: RAPID Outcome Assessment

ODI Tool: The Alignment, Interest and Influence Matrix guidance note

ODI Tool: Outcome Mapping introductory note

DEGRP guidance note: Achieving Policy Impact - Shaxson, L. (2013)


ROMA in practice

RAPID has used the principles of ROMA in a variety of settings around the world.


Strengthening World Vision Policy Advocacy – A Guide to Developing Advocacy Strategies - Datta, A. (2011b)

Developing Capacities in Complex Environments – Experiences from Vietnam - Datta, A. (2013)


Some resources focusing on communications tools for engaging with and influencing policy.


Blog: Is it time to ban the term “dissemination”? - Cassidy, C. (2013)

Improving the Impact of Development Research through Better Research Communications and Uptake - Shaxson, L. (2010)

ODI Working paper: Communicating research: a beginner’s guide for researchers in Vietnam – Datta, A. and Pellini, A. (2011)

ODI Tool: How to write a communications strategy – Hovland, I. (2005)

Blog: Responding to the digital disruption of traditional communications: three planks to ODI’s digital strategy – Scott, N. (2011)

Podcast: Using social media: research communications and the development dialogue


Other approaches to understanding policy change


How Change Happens: Inter-disciplinary Perspectives for Human Development - Krznaric, R. (2007)

Escaping Capability Traps through Problem-driven Iterative Adaptation - Andrews, M., Pritchett, L. and Woolcock, M. (2012)

Making Research Evidence Matter: A Guide to Policy Advocacy in Transition Countries - Young, E. and Quinn, L. (2012)

ODI Working paper: Lessons from Deliberative Public Engagement Work: A Scoping Study - Datta, A. (2011)