Over the years, RAPID has produced an array of tools, case studies, briefings and reports, which explore the ideas and approaches in this guide in more depth. The resources below may be helpful for planning and executing your policy engagement.
Useful websites and online communities
Policy impact toolkit – an online guide to influencing policy through impact evaluation.
Outcome Mapping Learning Community – a community of Outcome Mapping practitioners, sharing ideas and resources and collaborating both on and offline.
The evidence-based policy in development network (ebpdn) – a community of over 2000 professionals engaged with evidence-informed policy-influence, for sharing resources and ideas.
On think tanks – a blog about and for think tanks, particularly those in developing countries, designed to support them to be more strategic in the way they make short and long term decisions.
Key publications
ODI Briefing paper: Helping researchers become policy entrepreneurs – Young, J. and Mendizabal, E. (2009)
ODI Background paper: Knowledge, policy and power in international development: a practical framework for improving policy - Jones, H., Jones, N., Shaxson, S., and Walker, D. (2013)
ODI tool: The RAPID Context, Evidence, Links framework
ODI Background note: Developing capacities for better research uptake: the experience of ODI’s Research and Policy in Development programme – Mendizabal, E., Datta, A. and Young, J. (2011)